Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 18: A Time When You Felt Passionate and Alive

A time I felt passionate and alive...

I would talk about moments in my study abroad, but if you're anybody else on this planet then you're probably sick of hearing me talk about it, so I'll choose something else.

I always feel passionate and alive when I play violin, when I belt out on the piano, when I make art. I've always felt passionate and alive when I take a risk on love and putting my heart out for somebody to break. And I feel passionate and alive when I get hurt, and I run as hard, as fast, as far as I can. I feel passionate and alive when I spend quality time with those I love. I feel passionate and alive when I take a risk with something new and go on a daring adventure. I feel passionate and alive when I set bold goals and work for them. I feel passionate and alive when I be myself and not fear what people think about me.

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