Sunday, November 22, 2015

The MilleMarathon, Month 1

Dear Friends, Family and Future Self,

I will run my first Full Marathon the end of February (the Phoenix Marathon, specifically) and my training officially began a month ago.

I currently follow Hal Higdon's Novice 2 Marathon Program, only slightly modified (different days), if anyone really wondered, and his routine definitely pushes me. The program lasts about four months and I wanted to document the fun quirks and isms about the journey before I forgot about all the details by the end.

Month 1 of 4 synopsis of the #MilleMarathon training:

  • Yesterday's 11-mile run went great. Except when a giant black rat attacked me at Mile 3 and I screamed audibly high-pitched in front of a bunch of construction workers. I became a paranoid, emotional wreck all the way until Mile 6. 
  • I slept 12 hours last night and feel like a new person.
  • I ate two lunches and two dinners yesterday. And a snack before bed so I could fall asleep without my stomach hurting. I feel like the Hulk in the kitchen.

  • Don't. Don't. DON'T. Take any supplements or vitamin capsules a few hours prior to running. (In this case, Magnesium) Learned this the hard way on a Wednesday evening 6-Miler. 
  • When I go shopping almost anywhere I usually think about what at that store can supplement my run... Nordstrom Rack - running jacket? Sprouts - Honey Stingers? WinCo - Water to put in my Camelbak?
  • I often want to blame Hal for making me get up and workout. I also imagine Hal feeling proud when I accomplish the exact mileage he wants in a week. 
  • First two weeks were really rough. I'm not bothered by the distance but the increased frequency (i.e. four-runs per week) kills me.
  • Each week feels like its own personal accomplishment. 
  • I sacrificed hip and leg flexibility for awesome cardio. And I suddenly really suck at Pilates and any exercise not constituted as running. Can't win them all I guess.
  • I can eat anything and it will not stick longer than two hours usually. I can also eat very little and tolerate feeling hungry for a longer span. 
  • My butt went numb from Monday morning's run. In other news, also wore shorts in 53 degrees. 
  • I hear about running groups and feel like the perfect candidate to join them until I think, "Oh, but they might not want to get up at 5 a.m. and run 8 miles." 
  • Running three miles now = running one to two miles back then.
  • I have my first permanent blister on my left heel - more to come, no doubt.
  • I ran 79 miles total in the last 4 weeks. Yet I get the terrible looming notion that come January I will complete the same accumulative mileage in half that time. 
  • I salute the crane who sits along the same spot by the lake and looks suspiciously at me as I run past him three-to-four times every week. Somebody holds me accountable at least. 
  • Stretching sucks. And rocks. 
  • I bought a massage ball and it so far saves my feet from crazy swelling. 
  • I get irritated when seasoned runners tease or criticize my "cozy" 11:30 running pace. I'd like to point out that I never experienced any serious leg injury in the five years of half-marathon, Ragnar, and marathon training and all those running critics have. So, do what feels right, peeps. Haters gonna' hate. (Or laughers gonna' laugh?)
  • No feeling compares like running into a golden sunrise over Tempe Towne Lake. The colors in the sky reflect in the water and it feels mystical. 
  • Additionally, a canoe-r or rower always seems out on that perfectly colored lake and it looks like that opening piano and bird scene in The Notebook. 
  • Jackrabbits are very awake and active at 6 a.m.

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